Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Crispy hashbrowns

Crispy hash brown recipe: 

I've always had trouble with deep frying hash browns, they either get too crispy or not crispy enough. Yikess this makes me want to pull my hair out lol. But anyway today I hit a break through.
The hash browns need to go in at a high temperature for less time and the other side gets done faster so it needs to be in for less time.


Frozen Buyers Best hash brown patties

Vegetable oil

Sprinkle of salt


1. In a deep fryer pre heat it to 370°
2. Place hash brown patties in basket for 4 minutes on first side, and 1 1/2 minutes on the 2nd side
3. Sprinkle both sides with salt
4. Line a plate with paper towel to drain hash browns
5. Transfer to separate plate & ENJOY the potato crispiness.

Me and my man love these in the morning with bacon, eggs, and my grandma's cinnamon toast: https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=9217791109370400335#editor/target=post;postID=2194716261586574367;onPublishedMenu=overviewstats;onClosedMenu=overviewstats;postNum=1;src=link

Let me know how the hash browns turned out, have a good work week! ❤️.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

My grandma's cinnamon toast

Recently my grandma/mother passed away and one of the things that always seems to keep her memory alive, is reminiscing about her delicious buttery, cinnamony cinnamon toast.

I remember requesting cinnamon toast on the daily for a perfect light snack. It always left me with a heart warming feeling inside, I think that's because of the grandmother love in it and the warmth of the cinnamon. It also makes such a great snack because of how simple it is!!


2 pieces of toast(or as much toast as you'd like)

2TBS softened butter

Cinnamon sugar mixture


Pop those 2 pieces of toast in the toaster until lightly browned. Put 2TBS of butter in a small cup, heat it up for 12 seconds on each side then butter the toast, sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mixture, and put it in the microwave for 12 seconds. The last step is essential for the mixture to melt into the butter.

This recipe is so easy and my grandma has made it for me ever since I was little. I enjoy being able to share this with you guys and I hope it's a hit in your house!! Comment and let me know how it is ❤️.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

This sauce will get you hooked

The one issue I come across with teriyaki sauce is it being too thin! Oh man that's one of my worst pet peeves. So when I found this thick,

mouthwatering sauce I just
had to share it with you!

Homemade teriyaki sauce:

Yield approx. 1 1/2 cups


1/4 cup soy sauce

1 cup water

1/2 TSP ground ginger

1/4 TSP garlic powder

5 TBS packed brown sugar

1-2 TBS honey

2 TBS cornstarch

1/4 cup cold water


Mix all but cornstarch and 1/4 cup water in a saucepan and begin Heating, then in a separate bowl mix cornstarch and cold water till dissolved, and to saucepan, heat until sauce thickens to desired thickness.

Side note:  add water to thin if you over thicken it.

I give this recipe a 4 out of 5 star rating, what did you guys think?